Hi, I'm Jacey
The editor of Damsel in Dior. My hope is that this space offers you with the inspiration, tips and tools you need to approach every day never feeling like a damsel in distress, but always like a Damsel in Dior.
“ Hiya!
ORDER HEREThe editor of Damsel in Dior. My hope is that this space offers you with the inspiration, tips and tools you need to approach every day never feeling like a damsel in distress, but always like a Damsel in Dior.
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Are you ready for your mind to be blown?
1 banana
2 eggs
Use a fork to whisk, whisk, whisk, and push, push, push until the consistency is like a batter. Use a small spoon to evenly distribute mini pancakes on to a pan and cook just as you would an omelette (about 3 minutes on each side). Be careful when you flip and consider using two spatulas.
VOILA! Best pancakes ever. You’ll thank me later.
The editor of Damsel in Dior. My hope is that this space offers you with the inspiration, tips and tools you need to approach every day never feeling like a damsel in distress, but always like a Damsel in Dior.
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