While I always want this blog to be a creative space to encourage a relaxing and fun environment, I also know how important it is to provide these upfront facts:
I promise to keep your information super duper top secret. Just as I do not want people spamming my inbox, the privacy of my readers to very important to me. I do gather some data from everyone who stops by my site, however none of this information is shared with outside parties, not even my husband. Also, for your own peace of mind: Damsel in Dior promises to not accept any products of sponsored posts from companies that I could not otherwise post about. ALL of my opinions are my own and no one can make me, or pay me, to think or write otherwise.
Damsel in Dior reserves the right to remove any previous posts without notice or explanation. I absolutely love hearing from readers and enjoy each and every comment. However, any comment deemed inappropriate or negative, including general spam, offensive comments or rude language, self promotional spam or other items unrelated to the post will be deleted without further notice or explanation.
I do not claim to share the views or expressions of those companies I receive items from. It is true that I accept advertisements in the form monthly sponsors approved by me or sponsors provided by a third party ad network. Trust me, I will not post anything I do not love {no matter how much they pay or how many items they send}.
Please be thoughtful when you are using any images taken from my blog. Each and every post you find here was designed by me {Jacey} exclusively for Damsel in Dior. If you Pin, Tweet, Facebook, Blog, etc please care about the time and effort I’ve put into the post and link back to the original content which you found here. All layouts, designs, original test, blog headers and photo’s must be credited and linked to the original post with written permission.
Before contacting me, please consider if your product{s} is a good fit for Damsel in Dior…including the aesthetic and editorial content that’s already been blogged about. This will ensure a successful potential partnership. If you feel that your company/brand is a good fit, please e-mail [email protected] for more information.
We love teaming up with like-minded brands/companies to collaborate on all things style related. However, these posts will be written in my own words, using my own brain and reflect my own opinion. Please contact me for more information on pricing etc… at [email protected]
Damsel in Dior works very diligently to establish a valued network of advertisers that readers can relate to and benefit from. If you feel your company/brand is a good fit for the blog, please e-mail [email protected]
Please click here to review my pledge to continued action for racial injustice.