Mental Health 2 years ago How I'm Setting Intentions for 2022
And just like that, another year is over.
Is it just me or did 2021 fly by with the blink of an eye. One minute Covid-19 was running rampant, the next we thought it was all over, and then we closed out the year with yet another wave of this awful pandemic ruthlessly making it’s way across the world.
As I reflect back on 2021, I have a few things that I’m very proud of and a lot things that have room for improvement. Rather than beat myself up over the things I wasn’t able to accomplish last year, or feel sad over what we weren’t Abel to do, I’m closing out 2021 feeling very thankful for everything that we have. This year and last felt like a survival mode. I really “cut the fat” on things in my life that no longer serve me. I also streamlined my energy and focused on things that are worth my time, energy, and effort.
One thing that I did for 2021 versus years past was I gave myself a word (or a phrase) of what I wanted that year to be.
For me, 2021 was the year of wellness.
I did a big deep dive down the health habit hole. I checked off all of the my Dr’s visits, which let to 2 MRI’s, a physical therapy journey and finally finding a solution for my adenomyosis and learning more about secondary infertility. I took up yoga, which has truly been serving me in the strongest way possible both mentally and physically {more on that soon!}
As we venture in to a new year, I’m planning to mirror the same alternate idea to setting a resolution with a word/phrase/intention.
From this day forward, I will make choices that my future self will be proud of.
Because every single moment of our lives we are faced with a choice: to smile or not to smile, to take the trip or to stay home, to accept the project or decline politely, to play with your daughter or clean the house, to call your parents or keep watching Netflix, to workout or not to workout…. SO MANY CHOICES.
Every thought, word and deed is creating your future. So, my intention for 2022 is to make each of my choices count as much as I can so that when I look back on my life I am happy, proud, and feel confident with the choices that I made. Here are a few things that I have already brought into my daily practice that will help support this.
Trust Your Intuition
The more time we have to sit still, the more in tune we can get with our intuition which is our strongest superpower. Any time I was invited to an event or gathering in 2021, I took a pause to really think about whether or not I wanted to attend. In the past I was always go-go-go to work events and gatherings because I felt like it was something I “had” to do or something that I “needed” to do. But my gut always dreaded it a bit. I would much rather be home on the couch with my daughter or spending time with my family. This isn’t to say that I do not enjoy the occasional social setting, I’m just really zeroing in on the times I take time to do so.
Be Honest
Being truthful with yourself and with others about why and how and when you are spending your time. I am no longer interested in putting the needs of others ahead of my own. Outside of Grant and June, I will be honest about the time and space that I need to live up to my fullest potential.
Set Boundaries & Expectations
I have found that the more boundaries and expectations you are able to set up early on, the better. The minute a plan or conversation gets started is the minute I will jump in and say “No we will not be able to host that dinner” or “Yes, we would love to volunteer our time.” There is nothing worse than getting too far down a rabbit hole of commitment with your time that you end up setting yourself, and others, up for disappointment.
What are your intentions for 2022? I would love their them in the comments below!
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