Mental Health 3 years ago How Do You Get Out of a Funk?
This is sadly a question I’ve been getting a lot lately.
I have to be honest, I’ve had a lot of down in the dumps days this year {who hasn’t!?}. Feeling low doesn’t always have to mean that you are clinically depressed. I also have to be honest and say that I disagree with the “pull up your bootstraps” method.
Sometimes you can just feel down, and that is okay!
It is absolutely vital to take care of your mind this year. There is an incredible amount of “noise” in the world right now so it is especially difficult to get in tune with your own thoughts and calm your mind. Please note that I am not a medical expert and you should consult your doctor if you are having any suicidal thoughts or ideas. You can also call the The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.
Here are a few things that I do to try and get out of a rut:
Quiet Your Inner Voice
I don’t know about you, but when I’m having an off day my inner voice turns to a very negative place. You should hear the awful things I tell myself inside of my head. Whenever you are feeling a little bit off, be especially conscious of what your inner voice is saying to you.
- Set a timer for 1 minute and turn off all distractions.
- Get a piece of paper and a pen and let all of your rage out on to that piece of paper. Whatever you may be feeling, just draw it out. It can be words, phrases, a lengthy journal entry or simple sribbly lines – just let it all out.
- Once the timer goes off take your piece of paper and either light it on fire (in a safe place) or tear it up into the smallest pieces you can and thrown it away.
- Let that shit go!
Get Outside
It’s amazing what a little fresh air can do for the mind, body and soul. Try setting your alarm an hour earlier this week and get outside. Take a walk, go for a run, or simply sit in nature.
Make A Bucket List
No, I don’t mean a master bucket list of things you want to do in the big game of life. I mean a small, simple list of things you want to do by the end of the week. The easier, smaller things you put on the list, the better. For example:
- Cook pizza one night from scratch
- Call my grandmother
- Send someone a home-made card
- Create a new Pinterest board
Clean Your House
This might sound simple but if you have a cluttered home you will have a cluttered mind. Any time my mind is feeling a bit jumbled up I not only clean my house but I open up all of the windows, light some sage and candles and literally say out loud “new, fresh, energy!”
Pay Attention To Your Clothes
This seems very, very trivial but this is a fashion blog after all! If you are wearing your pajamas 24/7 these days {which a lot of us are, no judgement} then you might feel a little sloppy on the inside too. Try getting dressed one day and maybe even toss on a little make-up to see if that affects your mood at all.
How do you get out of a funk? I’d love to hear your tips and tricks!
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